World!Of Numbers |
Welcome all to this maths info-structure !
Allow me to present various recreational topics from the
In this well-filled website you'll find a multitude of facts and figures about topics from the World!Of Numbers . Don't look for a logical order. It is an amalgamation of randomly gathered numbers, curios, puzzles, palindromes, primes, gems, your much valued contributions and more general information. Enjoy! Patrick De Geest |
Nieuw \(\bbox[snow,8px,border:1px blue solid]{\small\text{ALLEMAAL GETALLEN}}\) or
\(\bbox[snow,8px,border:1px blue solid]{\small\text{ALL NUMBERS}}\) from \(0\) to \(251\),
thus a whole new lot of dedicated pages in Dutch. It is a collaboration between Ir. Jos Heynderickx and myself (Patrick De Geest). We show you their properties, particularities, curiosities, things worth
knowing, puzzles, etc. Geniet ervan! Jos & Patrick |

 | | | Introduction via links to palindrome sites |
 | | | Some thematic websources |
 | | | Various palindromic number records |

3 | | | Palindromic triangulars |
 | | | The most beautiful palindromic triangular |
 | | | Exhaustive list of palindromic triangulars |
 | | | Subsets of palindromic triangulars |
 | | | Details Part A from [1] to [49] |
 | | | Details Part B from [50] to [99] |
 | | | Details Part C from [100] to [200] |

 | | | Palindromic tetrahedrals |
 | | | Details of palindromic tetrahedrals |

 | | | New → Distributed Search |
 | | | Exhaustive list of palindromic squares up to length 31 |
 | | | Complete list of the sporadic square palindromes (SSP's) |
 | | | Subsets of palindromic squares |
 | | | Details of palindromic squares |
 | | | Extraordinary squares and powers (non-palindromic allowed) |

 | | | Palindromic cubes |
 | | | Details of palindromic cubes |

5 | | | Palindromic pentagonals |
 | | | Details of palindromic pentagonals |
 | | | Details of palindromic hexagonals |
7 | | | Palindromic heptagonals |
 | | | Details of palindromic heptagonals |
 | | | Details of palindromic octagonals |
 | | | Details of palindromic nonagonals |

 | | | Centered palindromic polygonals |

 | | | Palindromic primes pages info overview |
 | | | Palindromic primes page 1 |
 | | | Palindromic primes page 2 |
 | | | Palindromic primes page 3 |
 | | | Palindromic primes page 4 |
 | | | Palindromic primes page 5 |
 | | | Palindromic primes page 6 |
 | | | Assignment 2 |
 | | | Assignment 3 |
 | | | Palprimes where the sum over all digits is a minimum |
 | | | Multiple Palprimes “Four in a row” |

 | | | Circular primes |

 | | | Smoothly Undulating Palindromic Primes - SUPP's |
 | | | SUPP's - Sorted By Length |
 | | | SUP(P) Factorization lists |
 | | | Near Smoothly Undulating Primes with 6-digit undulators |
 | | | Near Smoothly Undulating Primes with 22-digit undulators |
 | | | Palindromic Wing Primes - PWP's |
 | | | PWP's - Sorted By Length |
 | | | Palindromic Plateau and Depression Primes - PDP's |
 | | | PDP's - Sorted By Length |
 | | | Some PDP Factorization lists |
 | | | Palindromic Merlon Primes - PMP's |
 | | | PMP's - Sorted By Length |
 | | | PMP Factorization lists |

 | | | The nine digits page 1 |
 | | | The nine digits page 2 |
 | | | The nine digits page 3 |
 | | | The nine digits page 4 |
 | | | The nine digits page 5 |
 | | | The nine digits page 6 |
 | | | The nine digits page 7 |
 | | | John Abreu's palindrome puzzle |
 | | | Palindromic products of two ninedigital numbers |
 | | | Palindromic products of two pandigital numbers |
 | | | List of palindromes as products of two pandiagonals |

 | | | Palindromic pronic numbers of the form n(n+1) |
 | | | Palindromic quasipronic numbers of the form n(n+2) |
 | | | Palindromic quasipronics of the form n(n+X) |
 | | | Palindromic incremented squares of the form n^2+1 |
 | | | Palindromic incremented squares of the form n^2+X |
 | | | Palindromic decremented squares of the form n^2X |
 | | | Palindromic quasi_over_squares of the form n^2+(n+1) |
 | | | Palindromic quasi_over_squares of the form n^2+(n+X) |
 | | | Palindromic quasi_under_squares of the form n+(n+1)^2 |

 | | | Palindromic sums of squares of consecutive integers |
 | | | Powers of Consecutives Summing to Palindromes |
 | | | Palindromic sums of squares of odd & even consecutives |
 | | | Palindromic sums of cubes of consecutive integers |
 | | | Palindromic sums of powers of consecutive primes |
 | | | Various palindromic sumpatterns |
 | | | Sum of first n 'type of numbers' is palindromic |
 | | | More palindromic products of integer sequences |
 | | | Palindromic products of integers with their reversals |
 | | | Palindromic Pythagorean triples |
 | | | Palindromic subsets of concatenated sequences |

Palindromic numbers beyond base 10
 | | | Page 1 - Palindromic in base 10 and bases 2 to 36 |
 | | | Page 2 - Palindromic squares in bases 2 to 17 |
 | | | Page 3 - Simultaneous palindromic in two bases less than 10 |
 | | | Page 4 - Palindromic cubes in bases 2 to 17 |

Factorization |
 | | | Home primes -
Repeated factorization of concatenated prime factors |
 | | | The concatenated numbers from Sm1 up to Sm200 |
 | | | The reversed concatenations from Rsm1 up to Rsm200 |
 | | | The repunit prime factors from R1 up to R100 |

 | | | Facts and figures about 2002 the last palindromic year |
 | | | Facts and figures about 2002 continued... |
 | | | List of the 4260 left-truncatable primes |
 | | | Squares containing at most three distinct digits |
 | | | Finding Tridigital Squares using 'Quadratic Residues' |
 | | | Numbers whose digits occur with same frequency - Cl. P2 |
 | | | Classification P3 |
 | | | Classification P4 |
 | | | Classification P5 |
 | | | Sets of 3 composites in bidirectional SOPF pro-/retrogression |

 | | | The Prime Brier Brothers Project |
 | | | Search for the first PRP megaprime of the form 10^999999+y |
 | | | Output data of 10^999999 + y (y < 500000 ) |
 | | | Doublechecking PRP candidates |

An ongoing project
 | | | Border PRP's around 'Powers of ten' |
 | | | Table in plain text from 00000 to 04999 |
 | | | Table in plain text from 05000 to 09999 |
 | | | Table in plain text from 10000 to 14999 |
 | | | Table in plain text from 15000 to 19999 |
 | | | Table in plain text from 20000 to 24999 |
 | | | Table in plain text from 25000 to 29999 |
 | | | Table in plain text from 30000 to 34999 |
 | | | Table in plain text from 35000 to 99999 |
 | | | Packed list of all PRP's of the form 10^n d up to 30000 |
 | | | Packed list of all PRP's of the form 10^n + d up to 30000 |

 | | | What was new in my website? |
 | | | Whatsnew? archive of 2002 |
 | | | Whatsnew? archive of 2001 |
 | | | Whatsnew? archive of 2000 |

Some handy tools
 | | | Multiple precision JavaScript calculator |
 | | | Iso Latin I & Unicode character set |
 | | | All the 140 colourful exotic color names |

Some loose ends
 | | | Some old photographs of the editor of this website |
 | | | Google Search Pop Up from this very homepage |
 | | | Pop Up from 'square.htm' & Wonplate 74 - Probability |
 | | | Pop Up from Wonplate 17 about DNA |
 | | | Pop Up from Wonplate 17 - Analyse |
 | | | Pop Up from Wonplate 16 - Small Puzzle |
 | | | Pop Up from 'square.htm' on pseudo palindromes |
 | | | Worksheet - Palindromic Sums of Powers |
 | | | Millennium date palindromes |
 | | | Worksheet - Sequence from Wonplate 197 |
 | | | Worksheets from Wonplate 197 |

 Join this refreshing journey into the vast space of numbers ! |
Mind blowing these
One dimension up with
Always seeking more
One dimension up with  |
Keep straight on with |
For the prime fans !
Integer Sequences 
To look up a number sequence in Sloane's
On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences,
enter it here and click "Submit":
To list all OEIS submissions from Patrick De Geest  To list all OEIS sequences with keywords Palindrome or Palindromic  |
Prime Curios! Prime Puzzles The Digits Project Richard Phillips 
What's Special About This Number? The Zero Saga Numberland 1-100 
Le Nombre 0 Nombre zéro et toutes les connotations associées 
Wikipedia 0 (number)  |
- Last modified : March 2, 2025.