HOME plates

World!Of Numbers
  Welcome all to this maths info-structure !  
Allow me to present various recreational topics from the

In this well-filled website you'll find a multitude of facts and figures
about topics from the  World!Of Numbers . Don't look for a logical
order. It is an amalgamation of randomly gathered numbers, curios,
puzzles, palindromes, primes, gems, your much valued contributions
and more general information.   Enjoy! Patrick De Geest  

  Nieuw   \(\bbox[snow,8px,border:1px blue solid]{\small\text{ALLEMAAL GETALLEN}}\) or \(\bbox[snow,8px,border:1px blue solid]{\small\text{ALL NUMBERS}}\) from \(0\) to \(200\),
thus a whole new lot of dedicated pages in Dutch. It is a collaboration
between Ir. Jos Heynderickx and myself (Patrick De Geest).
We show you their properties, particularities, curiosities, things worth
knowing, puzzles, etc.   Geniet ervan! Jos & Patrick  

triangle tetra square cube circular palpri

  Introduction via links to palindrome sites  
  Some thematic websources  
  Various palindromic number records  

  Palindromic triangulars  
  The most beautiful palindromic triangular  
  Exhaustive list of palindromic triangulars  
  Subsets of palindromic triangulars  
  Details Part A from [1] to [49]  
  Details Part B from [50] to [99]  
  Details Part C from [100] to [200]  

  Palindromic tetrahedrals  
  Details of palindromic tetrahedrals  

  Palindromic squares  
  New   → Distributed Search  
  Exhaustive list of palindromic squares up to length 31  
  Complete list of the sporadic square palindromes (SSP's)  
  Subsets of palindromic squares  
  Details of palindromic squares  
  Extraordinary squares and powers (non-palindromic allowed)  

  Palindromic cubes  
  Details of palindromic cubes  

  Palindromic pentagonals  
  Details of palindromic pentagonals  
  Palindromic hexagonals  
  Details of palindromic hexagonals  
  Palindromic heptagonals  
  Details of palindromic heptagonals  
  Palindromic octagonals  
  Details of palindromic octagonals  
  Palindromic nonagonals  
  Details of palindromic nonagonals  

  Centered palindromic polygonals  

  Palindromic primes pages info overview  
  Palindromic primes page 1  
  Palindromic primes page 2  
  Palindromic primes page 3  
  Palindromic primes page 4  
  Palindromic primes page 5  
  Palindromic primes page 6  
  Assignment 2  
  Assignment 3  
  Palprimes where the sum over all digits is a minimum  
  Multiple Palprimes “Four in a row”  

  Circular primes  

  Smoothly Undulating Palindromic Primes - SUPP's  
  SUPP's - Sorted By Length  
  SUP(P) Factorization lists  
  Near Smoothly Undulating Primes with 6-digit undulators  
  Near Smoothly Undulating Primes with 22-digit undulators  
  Palindromic Wing Primes - PWP's  
  PWP's - Sorted By Length  
  Palindromic Plateau and Depression Primes - PDP's  
  PDP's - Sorted By Length  
  Some PDP Factorization lists  
  Palindromic Merlon Primes - PMP's  
  PMP's - Sorted By Length  

  The nine digits page 1  
  The nine digits page 2  
  The nine digits page 3  
  The nine digits page 4  
  The nine digits page 5  
  The nine digits page 6  
  The nine digits page 7  
  John Abreu's palindrome puzzle  
  Palindromic products of two ninedigital numbers  
  Palindromic products of two pandigital numbers  
  List of palindromes as products of two pandiagonals  

  Palindromic pronic numbers of the form n(n+1)  
  Palindromic quasipronic numbers of the form n(n+2)  
  Palindromic quasipronics of the form n(n+X)  
  Palindromic incremented squares of the form n^2+1  
  Palindromic incremented squares of the form n^2+X  
  Palindromic decremented squares of the form n^2–X  
  Palindromic quasi_over_squares of the form n^2+(n+1)  
  Palindromic quasi_over_squares of the form n^2+(n+X)  
  Palindromic quasi_under_squares of the form n+(n+1)^2  

  Palindromic sums of squares of consecutive integers  
  Powers of Consecutives Summing to Palindromes  
  Palindromic sums of squares of odd & even consecutives  
  Palindromic sums of cubes of consecutive integers  
  Palindromic sums of powers of consecutive primes  
  Various palindromic sumpatterns  
  Sum of first n 'type of numbers' is palindromic  
  More palindromic products of integer sequences  
  Palindromic products of integers with their reversals  
  Palindromic Pythagorean triples  
  Palindromic subsets of concatenated sequences  

  Palindromic numbers beyond base 10  
  Page 1 - Palindromic in base 10 and bases 2 to 36  
  Page 2 - Palindromic squares in bases 2 to 17  
  Page 3 - Simultaneous palindromic in two bases less than 10  
  Page 4 - Palindromic cubes in bases 2 to 17  


  Home primes - Repeated factorization of concatenated prime factors  
  The concatenated numbers from Sm1 up to Sm200  
  The reversed concatenations from Rsm1 up to Rsm200  
  The repunit prime factors from R1 up to R100  

  Facts and figures about 2002 the last palindromic year  
  Facts and figures about 2002 continued...  
  List of the 4260 left-truncatable primes  
  Squares containing at most three distinct digits  
  Finding Tridigital Squares using 'Quadratic Residues'  
  Numbers whose digits occur with same frequency - Cl. P2  
  Classification P3  
  Classification P4  
  Classification P5  
  Sets of 3 composites in bidirectional SOPF pro-/retrogression  

  The Prime Brier Brothers Project  
  Search for the first PRP megaprime of the form 10^999999+y  
  Output data of 10^999999 + y (y < 500000 )  
  Doublechecking PRP candidates  

  An ongoing project  
  Border PRP's around 'Powers of ten'  
  Table in plain text from 00000 to 04999  
  Table in plain text from 05000 to 09999  
  Table in plain text from 10000 to 14999  
  Table in plain text from 15000 to 19999  
  Table in plain text from 20000 to 24999  
  Table in plain text from 25000 to 29999  
  Table in plain text from 30000 to 34999  
  Table in plain text from 35000 to 99999  
  Packed list of all PRP's of the form 10^n – d up to 30000  
  Packed list of all PRP's of the form 10^n + d up to 30000  

  What was new in my website?  
  Whatsnew? archive of 2002  
  Whatsnew? archive of 2001  
  Whatsnew? archive of 2000  

  Some handy tools  
  Multiple precision JavaScript calculator  
  Iso Latin I & Unicode character set  
  All the 140 colourful exotic color names  

  Some loose ends  
  Some old photographs of the editor of this website  
  Google Search Pop Up from this very homepage  
  Pop Up from 'square.htm' & Wonplate 74 - Probability  
  Pop Up from Wonplate 17 about DNA  
  Pop Up from Wonplate 17 - Analyse  
  Pop Up from Wonplate 16 - Small Puzzle  
  Pop Up from 'square.htm' on pseudo palindromes  
  Worksheet - Palindromic Sums of Powers  
  Worksheet - Sequence from Wonplate 197  
  Worksheets from Wonplate 197  

Join this
journey into
the vast space
of numbers !
Mind blowing these triangulars
One dimension up with tetrahedrals
Always seeking more squares
One dimension up with cubes
Keep straight on with circulars
For the prime fans ! primes

Integer Sequences

To look up a number sequence in Sloane's
On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences,
enter it here and click "Submit":

To list all OEIS submissions from Patrick De Geest
To list all OEIS sequences with keywords Palindrome or Palindromic
Prime Curios! Prime Puzzles The Digits Project Richard Phillips
What's Special About This Number? The Zero Saga Numberland 1-100
Le Nombre 0 Nombre zéro et toutes les connotations associées
Wikipedia 0 (number)


( © All rights reserved ) - Last modified : October 14, 2024.

Patrick De Geest - Belgium - Short Bio - Some Pictures
E-mail address :