World!Of Numbers | ![]() |
![]() (non-palindromic allowed) | |||
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A palindromic chain reaction starting from 1001
10012 = 1002001 and
10020012 = 1004006004001
A palindromic chain reaction starting from 109
109 is a basenumber for the following palindromic triangular 5995.
The sum of the squares of the digits of 5995 is :
This palindrome is also the smallest square containing exactly four digits 4's ! (Sloane's A036511)
SPDS palindromes
by Felice Russo (email) [ July 5, 1999 ]
By solving a problem in Vol. 29 of “Journal of Recreational Mathematics”
Felice Russo stumbled on two interesting palindromic numbers: 121 and 212.
If we take the square of these two palindromes we obtain: 14641 and 44944.
Both these palindromic squares are in SPDS (Square-Partial-Digital-Subsequences).
A number is said to be an element of the set SPDS if it is a square
which can be partitioned into two or more numbers that are also squares.
For example 14641 can be partitioned into the following squares: 1, 4, 64, 4
More interesting the palindrome 44944 that can be partitioned in five squares
that are also single digit palindromes: 4, 4, 9, 4, 4.
By a computer search these are the only palindromes in SPDS up to 3*10^8.
How many SPDS palindromes exist beyond 3*10^8 ?
A response from Alain Bex (email) [ December 28, 1999 ]
"Infinitely many. (if 0 is a square)
every number of the form :
2 ... n zero's ... 1 ... n zero's ... 2 (which is a palindrome)
has a square :
4 ... n zero's ... 4 ... n zero's ... 9 ... n zero's ... 4 ... n zero's ... 4
(which is also a palindrome).
I searched all squares from 0 to the square of 270*10^6 and did not found any others."
Fascinating square of 1003 digits
One constructs this as follows. Start with the initial square '9'.
Calculate the next smallest non trivial square starting with '9'.
This gives the square '961' or 31^2. (900 is excluded as the next square
must be non trivial meaning not ending in zero's)
Repeat this procedure now not with square '9' but with this new square '961'.
After a tenfold iteration we arrive at this 1003-digit square !
9616201620200016202000200000001889198463265350032175809769802525931907463586839 53372943202402012699567212284633760835227930246202000200000002000000000000000286 74570609183461343006847306064000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000165762890459108592015259933448776693776451231520215691182485548960535 13407845648040095751097710143387381095940620098289505535125614470450939160397698 76896979086347754805195901529462026613507501648758045675165710149033232580911054 95275391508140259645504424098617924718273963483282386760738531854344564367702075 18569743231858613025709254857930447199794751022405596837264849453479919042878461 21230650258983014894678321267198660655507316299804535757670938028350277863843458 14818258133214645546046187760712527279785484496736454520815281195847787074116812 26823301300771758521612706290200804538893679740002426955408231457680947810963158 34124835975647700891238330554238156360187301492206636065480004091531578283770622 92595687694293607658268932513211592034772025The root of this monstersquare is the next number of 502 digits
3101000100000001000000000000000143372853045917306715034236530320000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000010603496991036628926304444713741834555298799667027754796246140889648 28492192175159864060941684234739538923381863482793853164978801504095322725503902 27748540628752666464970620036253149337706479443351572242228953285666037295270306 10939087202964086953045
[ October 24, 2003 ]
Jeff Heleen (email) assembled some Ubasic code
and came up with the following program and the eleventh iteration.
10 input "Input #:";N:if N=0 then end 20 C=1 30 for X=1 to 999 40 A=N*10^X:M=isqrt(A) 50 B=N*10^X+10^X-1:K=isqrt(B) 60 if K-M>0 then print C;M+1;:else 90 70 color 4:print (M+1)^2:color 7:print 80 N=(M+1)^2:C+=1:cancel for:goto 30 90 nextThe very large (2006 digit) square is: 96162016202000162020002000000018891984632653500321758097698025259319074635868395/ 33729432024020126995672122846337608352279302462020002000000020000000000000002867/ 45706091834613430068473060640000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/ 00000000001657628904591085920152599334487766937764512315202156911824855489605351/ 34078456480400957510977101433873810959406200982895055351256144704509391603976987/ 68969790863477548051959015294620266135075016487580456751657101490332325809110549/ 52753915081402596455044240986179247182739634832823867607385318543445643677020751/ 85697432318586130257092548579304471997947510224055968372648494534799190428784612/ 12306502589830148946783212671986606555073162998045357576709380283502778638434581/ 48182581332146455460461877607125272797854844967364545208152811958477870741168122/ 68233013007717585216127062902008045388936797400024269554082314576809478109631583/ 41248359756477008912383305542381563601873014922066360654800040915315782837706229/ 25956876942936076582689325132115920347720258914994974518600054221669090816529552/ 61437894236214173621326322905481649506236046822896582106849756893167828306680432/ 84252106595764741153008678797865772530987719762684436486962268943451632788553907/ 31656642177431506759136251659632668095875384355654848275886209152908202640645654/ 85309633115453107968421137508354794003355919210333172509687721211355572517254015/ 84966273404725097750293678477710394740725438561482888229734954251750517670696829/ 31197667454547117994586808831353669444718073268237891569601608146879839980577855/ 68498634230572956495503173144474822989944662967196243585206000154855148644388166/ 99332772926750077032264526806408733028864379845899337956585494518830134664037042/ 60272665189844312896602443928808140300712823333043585779414780090526790082673840/ 39874613154649303834964454713467632342245246537690796683760984228012389608036027/ 58114886616724551236161055317248176721364665155501095064349159986496584253872772/ 51376287320282709627901684380119477746357992201754685746359044847610551198174793/ 674225 and its titanic root (with 1003 digits) is: 98062233404099134876441622495550000000000000000000000000000000132221684961658493/ 56044245355497113216355576978978796197322817480193272005001656175142188205512607/ 86641784654818466088559784060192956988106411704239660892984201575933925927257050/ 93722895752000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/ 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/ 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/ 00000000000000000000002162395262695446493305898867218755368290302794627516422912/ 97852058496812878294382635141749116922272185336610080590262350721905475050291580/ 25019094606974160494878769448599322323358462223322770851845953571023019388923016/ 69998725035652930764159885003020458848439834918776188362960878122551312120192964/ 14090175134199456183573744310455126367521842569362771952871094631058349558872104/ 94580220340673831425337024896747506901142043562828036442324931521033685432413885/ 2469485859733815887082314200288040945972185
" The only odd thing I noticed was on the step where the number ended in '...6455044'
on your page, my program ended that step with '...645504'.
However, when looking at the following step at the juncture where this step joins it,
the end is given correctly with '...6455044'. And your final step matched my next to
last step. So if someone can verify that I have a correct 11th step...
I couldn't go any further as UBASIC gave me an overflow error. Jeff. "
Three digits only squares
Equal Sums of Like Powers
A remarkable collection of Equal Sums of Like Powers is presented by Chen Shuwen (email) from the People's Republic of China.
His website deals with Integer Solutions of the Diophantine System !
Primes whose reversal is a square
Pandigital squares
Squares with identical halves
Note that 36363636364 + 63636363637 = 100000000001 ... speaking of palindromes !
Justin Chan's (email) contribution [ July 11, 2008 ] |
Is a 2n-digit number with identical halves a square number?
Note that such number is c(10^n+1) where 10^(n-1) ⩽ c < 10^n. Let 10^n+1 = m*t^2, where t^2 is the largest square dividing 10^n+1. Then c ⩾ m. In other words, there exists a 2n-digit square with identical halves if and only if 10^n+1 is non-squarefree. Example: n = 11 (the least n such that 10^n+1 is not squarefree) 10^11+1 = 100000000001 = (11^2)*23*4093*8779 = 826446281*11^2 Therefore 36363636364^2 = 13223140496_13223140496. Note that mbt + m(t-b)t = m*t^2 = 10^n+1. Hence the 10^n+1_complement of a solution's base is the base of another solution (if t-b is greater than t/sqrt(10)). e.g. 63636363637^2 = 40495867769_40495867769 (t-b = 11-4 = 7) The next n with a solution is n = 21 (t = 7) with 4 solutions (3 ⩽ b ⩽ 6). Other n with solutions: n = 33 (t = 11), n = 39 (t = 13), n = 55 (t = 11), n = 63 (t = 7) In general, there are families of solutions: n = 22k+11 (11|t), n = 42k+21 (7|t), n = 78k+39 (13|t), and so on. Are there any 2n-digit cubes or higher powers with identical halves? Such number requires that 10^n+1 has at mosta squarefree part of sqrt(10^n-1). However, the squarefree part of 10^n+1 seems to be very close to 10^n+1 for n>1, if not 10^n+1 itself. |
Concatenations of two successive integers
Squares showing up as substring of their decimal image
From Sloane's OEIS database
More digital silliness or rotating squares
by Bob Hearn (from the SEQFAN mailing list) [ January 10, 2008 ]
This is a cute pair (but still only a pair):
rotating the result by one place.
Justin Chan's (email) contribution [ July 11, 2008 ] |
The first property:
1222222222^2 = 1493827159950617284 also occurs for 12 and 21, 122 and 221, and so on, since: 22...21^2 = (22...20)(22...22)+1 = 10(2...22)(22...22)+1 = 10(12...22^2-10...00^2)+1 the RHS (right hand side of equation) denotes moving the leading 1 to the end. |
Pieter Post's (email) contribution [ September 16, 2017 ] |
There is another infinite subsequence (Source OEIS sequence A134514) :
The cyclic pair (201023, 320102)*k (for k = 2 and 3) and its squares (40410256529, 102465290404)*k^2. For example n = 6 gives lower bound k = 1581139 with lower cyclic pair: (666666600000003333333000000066666669999999, 999999966666660000000333333300000006666666) and its corresponding squares: (444444355555564444443555555699999993333332111111222222217777778888888766666660000001, 999999933333321111112222222177777788888887666666600000014444443555555644444435555556) |
And here's a solution in base 23:
Exclusionary Squares and Cubes
2038792 = 41566646641
6391722 = 408540845584
Here is an interesting webpage from the collection of Clif Pickover
Clif Pickover's Extreme Challenges in Mathematics and Morals
Exclusionary Squares and Cubes
Here are some corresponding OEIS entries
With no repeating digits in the base numbers
A112321 Least n-digit number such that its square is exclusionary, or 0 if no such number exists. - Lekraj Beedassy
A112322 Exclusionary square associated to corresponding smallest n-digit number (A112321), or 0 if no such number exists. - Lekraj Beedassy and Klaus Brockhaus
A113951 Largest number whose n-th power is exclusionary (or 0 if no such number exists). - Lekraj Beedassy
A113952 Largest exclusionary n-th power (or 0 if no such number exists). - Lekraj Beedassy
A112993 Exclusionary cubes: cubes of the terms in A112994. - Lekraj Beedassy
A112994 Numbers whose cubes are exclusionary: numbers n such that n and n^3 have no digits in common. - Lekraj Beedassy
With repeating digits in the base numbers
A029783 Exclusionary squares: numbers n such that digits of n are not present in n^2. - Patrick De Geest
A029784 Squares such that digits of sqrt(n) are not present in n. - Patrick De Geest
A029785 Digits of n are not present in n^3. - Patrick De Geest
A029786 Cubes such that digits of cube root of n are not present in n. - Patrick De Geest