
WON plate

Palindromic Square 69696 = 2642

From “Keys to Infinity” by Clifford A. Pickover, Ed. Wiley 1995, page 159,160.
69696 is a remarkable palindrome.
Not only is it a palindromic square 2642 (see also WONplate 24),
not only has it exactly 10 palindromic prime factors 26 x 32 x 112,
it is also the largest ' smoothly undulating ' (of the form ababab...) square known to humanity.
Visit Sloane's database to find out the other smaller undulating squares at A016073.
I submitted a variant namely ' undulating primes ', watch out for entry A032758.

A less known fact (!?) is that 69696 is also the largest palindromic substring in  8117.

Thanks to G. L. Honaker, Jr. we know that 69696 is also the sum of a Twin Prime Pair.
69696 = 34847 + 34849
[ See Sloane's A037076 and Prime Curio! 69696 ].

Garland reports the following from “NUMBERS: Fun & Facts” by J. Newton Friend (1954) :
69696 is the product of two palindromes. Thus 69696 = 6336 x 11.
Note 6336 is unusual in that 6336 =  8 x (63 + 36) x 8  a nice palindromic expression.

[ October 24, 2005 ]
Another quality of 69696 is that when it is squared and then doubled
the outcome will be a pandigital number namely 9715064832 !
 2 * 69696 ^ 2 
Note again the palindromic expression itself !
(There exists another 5-digit palindrome with this property. Can you trace it ?)
Note also that this pandigital equals 2644 + 2644.

Did you know that
69696 is the product of 192 * 363
and that 192 + 363 equals 555 which is a nice repdigit !

( Bonus : 363 192 = 171 yet another palindrome popping up ! )

[ April 30, 2022 ]
Alexandru Petrescu, from time to time obsessed with nine- and/or pandigitals,
challenged himself by searching for palindromes
which when multiplied with 69696 produces
these nine- and pandigital numbers.
He found 3 ninedigitals and 4 pandigitals.

69696 * 6996 = 487593216
69696 * 11811 = 823179456
69696 * 12821 = 893572416

69696 * 24242 = 1689570432
69696 * 42424 = 2956783104
69696 * 62526 = 4357812096
69696 * 65756 = 4582930176

A000026 Prime Curios! Prime Puzzle Richard Phillips
Wikipedia 26 Le Nombre 26 Numberland 26


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