
WON plate

[ October 9, 2023 ] [ Last update November 14, 2023 ]
Bringing palindrome 10901 into an interesting state.
By Patrick De Geest

This WONplate will bring the palindrome 10901 to the foreground
by highlighting as much properties as possible.
Let me start with these four curiosa. Readers are
encouraged to send in more oddities, peculiarities,
whimsicalties or whatever particularity they can muster.
( symbol ^^ stands for concatenation )

10901 = 55 + 65
SourceWONplate 145

The smallest palindromic prime of length 37
is formed with the use of 10901
SourcePalprime Page 1

You need to append 33 nines to 10901 to get a first prime.
SourceAppending 9s to k.txt

Multiplying palindrome 10901 with palindrome 11 results in a third palindrome
10901 * 11 = 119911
Multiplying palindrome 10901 with palindrome 1001 results in a third palindrome
10901 * 1001 = 10911901
SourceNinedigits Page 7

Alexandru Petrescu [ November 1, 2023 ]

delved into the Fibonacci numbers and found 16
non consecutive terms that sums up to 10901.
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233,
377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, ...

they are marked in darkbrown color.
PDG inspired by Alexandru found an expression with only 4 Fibonacci terms
10901 = 1094655 + 5 + 5

Alexandru Petrescu [ November 1, 2023 ]

There are 23 palprimes less than 10901, namely
383,727,787,797,919,929,10301,10501 and 10601

Alexandru tried to express 10901 as a sum of different palprimes from this list.
Due to the large gap between 929 and 10301 it's obvious that one of a term
might be 10301, 10501 or 10601.
He obtained a number of such representations having 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 terms. Exemplification:
10901 = 3 + 5 + 101 + 191 + 10601 (5 terms)
10901 = 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 101 + 131 + 151 + 191 + 10301 (9 terms)

Alexandru Petrescu [ November 13, 2023 ]

10901is a semiprime →  11  *  991 
with the following very nice notability
10901 is the sum of  11  consecutive primes,  991  being
the median of this sequence.
In formal notation prime(162) + prime(163) + ... + prime(171) + prime(172)
or written out
10901 = 953 + 967 + 971 + 977 + 983 +  991  + 997 + 1009 + 1013 + 1019 + 1021

YOUR TURN with 10901

A000227 Prime Curios! Prime Puzzle
Wikipedia 227 Le nombre 227


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