
WON plate

Nine Digits Digressions

Expressions with the digits of nine- or pandigitals

 5986 = 2 x 41 x 73 
the digits of n and the prime factorization of n
are from the set 1 to 9 with each digit occurring exactly one time.

 28651 = 7 x 4093 
the digits of n and the prime factorization of n
are from the pandigital set 0 to 9 with each digit occurring exactly one time.

 14368485 = 3 x 5 x 17 x 29 x 29 x 67 
the digits of n and the prime factorization of n
are from the set 1 to 9 with each digit occurring exactly two times.
 40578660 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 5 x 17 x 89 x 149 
the digits of n and the prime factorization of n
are from the pandigital set 0 to 9 with each digit occurring exactly two times.

Special thanks goes to G. L. Honaker, Jr. for providing the original idea !
Prime Curios! sources : 5986 28651 14368485 40578660

A lot more curious fact and figures about these numbers
can be found on my Nine Digits Digressions webpages.

For reference goals and easy searching all the nine- & pandigitals
implicitly displayed in these topics are listed here.
Topic → 598624173, 2865174093

A000085 Prime Curios! Prime Puzzle
Wikipedia 85 Le Nombre 85 Numberland 85


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