World!Of Numbers |
The palindrome Fifty Five or 55 55 is the sum of the following five consecutive square numbers ( 1 + 4 + 9 + 16 + 25 )
55 as a Cubic Invariant 55 is the tenth Fibonacci number 55 is the fourth palindromic triangular number 55 is the sum of the first ten numbers 55 is expressible as the sum of five consecutive integers 55 is the sum of two consecutive numbers and powers
Note that 67 12 equals 55 ! 55 is expressible as the sum of two consecutive integers 55 is the fourth Kaprekar number
55 can be multiplied with 10 consecutive odd numbers | ||||||
A000081 Prime Curios! Prime Puzzle Wikipedia 81 Le Nombre 81 Numberland 81 |