Special operations leading towards palindromes
2664662 is a very unique palindrome.
It is equal to 121 times the sum of the next 121 integers [Patrick De Geest]
or in other words :
2664662 = 121 x (122+123+...+241+242)
2664662 = 121 x (22022)
I found two more palindromic products with this property [Original idea by G. L. Honaker, Jr.]
but whereby the terms aren't themselves palindromic.
9826289 = 187 x the sum of the next 187 integers
4128458548214 = 14014 x the sum of the next 14014 integers
If you find a next one please add it to A037051

Three palindromes 99, 313 and 1441 are related in the following way !
Sum_of_digits{144199} = 1441 [Patrick De Geest]
and is composed of 313 digits [Carlos Rivera]