[ July 16, 2022 ]
Searching for a palindrome with various factor-lengths
representing my birthdate October 9, 1956.
Patrick De Geest
I know that I give away a part of my privacy with this WONplate and
that it is even a rather narcissistic effort. Yet it might link my person
to a for now unknown “palindrome” that factorizes in one of three ways
and finding them would make me, no doubt, very happy.
Palindrome P1 = < p9 > * < p10 > * < p56 >
Here the year 1956 is shortened to 56 and the 19 part is implicit.
Palindrome P2 = < p9 > * < p10 > * < p19 > * < p56 >
Palindrome P3 = < p9 > * < p10 > * < p1956 >
Till now I don't know if this puzzle is easy or hard.
If you like the challenge be my guest !
What can I bring forward to shorten the search? E.g.
Well the palindrome must be of odd length (uneven) otherwise
the factor 11 would appear but < p2 > is not part of the answer.
The palindrome itself cannot be even as 2 or a < p1 > is not allowed.
It can not start or end with digit 5 for the same reason.
But then again three primes multiplied together can never
result in an even number or ending with 5 is it not...
And what about our current year 2022 split up like this:
Palindrome P4 = < p20 > * < p22 >
Maybe here we have a feasible card.