World!Of Numbers |
[ January 16, 2014 ] How many different primes divide all the ninedigitals ?
What is the largest prime factor in each case ?
What prime factor(s) has the least frequency of appearing ?
How many palindromic prime factors are there in both cases ?
List of smallest and largest nine-/pandigital 3k * semiprimes ?
Some related sources A178775 Smallest prime factors of zerofull restricted pandigital numbers. A216203 Smallest prime that does not divide at least one n-digit zeroless pandigital number. Puzzle 259 Not dividing any pandigital. |
Questions | Answers by Alexandru Petrescu [ April 4, 2021 ] | |
Ninedigitals | Pandigitals | |
How many different primes divide all the nine- and pandigitals ? | 36419 | 252702 |
What is the largest prime factor ? | 109739359 * 9 = 987654231 | 1097393447 * 9 = 9876541023 |
How many palindromic prime factors appear ? | 23 | 104 |
Can you list them ? | 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 101, 131, 151, 181, 191, 313, 353, 373, 383, 727, 757, 787, 797, 919, 929, 1093901, 9561659, 9583859 | |
The largest palindromic prime factor ? | 9583859 * 27 = 258764193 | 955141559 * 9 = 8596274031 |
Prime factors having the least frequency of appearing ? | There are many 9digits prime factors, when multiplied by 9 provide a unique ninedigital ! | There are many 10digits prime factors, when multiplied by 10 provide a unique pandigital ! |
Numbers = 3k * p * q ; (3, p, q distinct primes) | Semiprimes topic total numbers [version A] | |
75330 | 565732 | |
Smallest | ||
123456789 = 32 * 3607 * 3803 | 1023456789 = 34 * 2221 * 5689 | |
Largest | ||
987654123 = 32 * 109 * 1006783 | 9876542103 = 32 * 53 * 20705539 | |
Numbers = 3k * p ; (3, p distinct primes) | Semiprimes topic total numbers [version B] | |
35319 | 249804 | |
Smallest | ||
123458679 = 32 * 13717631 | 1023456879 = 32 * 113717431 | |
Largest | ||
987654231 = 32 * 109739359 | 9876542301 = 38 * 1505341 |
| |||
A000188 Prime Curios! Prime Puzzle Wikipedia 188 Le nombre 188 |