[ January 28, 2013 ]
A selection of pandigital expressions found on the net
❶ Claudio Meller (email) (website)
reported to me the following two nice equations.
"Hi, I was reading From Palindromic Squares to Pandigitals,
and I found this :"
12543 12542 = 1970362548 = 1253 x 12542
18193 18192 = 6015327498 = 1818 x 18192
On the web one can find more solutions resulting
from a programming exercise at

❷ Prime Curios! edited by G. L. Honaker, Jr. & Chris Caldwell.
From this webpage after filling in the keyword pandigital
a whole list of entries appear that relate to the prime world of pandigitals.
Let me quote an example with prime 35281 by [J. V. Post]
35281 = (9 8 + 7)! (6 + 5 4)! + (3 2 1 + 0)!
