Numbers whose product is the reversal of the product of their reversals
Dr. Huen Y.K.
Find two numbers whose product is the reversal of the product of their reversals.
Source : “Mathematical Recreations & Essays”
by W.W.Rouse Ball & H.S.M. Coxeter, Twelfth Ed., p. 14.
Answer : for example,
312 x 221 = 68952
213 x 122 = 25986
See here how Dr Huen Y.K. (Singapore) tackles this issue analytically.
Note : Dr. Huen Y.K. has a very interesting website about
Goldbach's Sequences that's worth more than a casual visit.

Dr Huen also found something which may be of interest to the readers.
It's about palindromes showing up in nature's very DNA sequences!
Here I collect websources about palindromic DNA