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[ October 15, 2005 ]
The Beast's real mark devalued to '616'
Enoch Haga (email)

 Hello, no doubt you guys already know this ! 
 I just read about it in a doctor's office - 
 - old magazine from last May. 
                 "Enoch Haga" 

Beast's real mark devalued to '616' Item 11134 Posted: 2005-05-04 21:35:58

Daniel B. Wallace responds to article on 'the number of the Beast' Item 11139 Posted: 2005-05-05 18:36:41

Number of the Beast (numerology)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

616... goodbye to 666

The old beast 666 can still neutralize the new one
616 * 666 = 410256 and (two parts for each beast) 410 + 256 = 666
so 666 is still superior to 616 !! [PDG]

616 still has Sum_Of_Digits (SOD) of 13 and that is unlucky for sure!

I offer you also the beastly primes, those primes which are multiples
of 616 + or – 1.
Perhaps someone can make a puzzle of finding such a prime
with the most embedded 616's!

10 A=616
20 for X=1 to 616
30 B=X*A
40 C=B+1
50 D=B-1
60 if D=prmdiv(D) then print D;:Q=Q+1:else print "/";
70 if C=prmdiv(C) then print C;:Q=Q+1:else print "-";
80 next X
90 print Q

And what is the 616th such prime? [Enoch Haga]

A000166 Prime Curios! Prime Puzzle
Wikipedia 166 Le nombre 166


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