
WON plate

Update from [ March 4, 2006 ]
Top3000+ palindromic primes with prime digits

This WONplate will be the home port for the Top3000+
palindromic primes consisting solely of prime digits
[ 2, 3, 5 & 7 ] above 3000 digits.

I haven't made a careful search of the internet as yet to find all
possible candidates. So if any reader can find a palprime
not included in the table, please feel free to submit it.

Nr. 1
decimal digits
Let R(n) = (10^n–1)/9 be the n-digit base-10 repunit and
c = 42000040044444004000024
Then N = 34*R(36400)c*10^2264*R(36400)/R(4550) – 1
or N = 37777777777777777... ...77777777777777773

The long flow of 7's in the decimal expansion is eight times
'interrupted' with the string 35777737733333773777753.
by David Broadhurst (email) [ December 12, 2003 ]
37777...77773 (36401-digits)
Its formula and proof are described in PrimeForm

David Broadhurst informed me that in the past
you could have found the kernels of the proofs for palprimes
with 30913, 24421, 20911, 17941, 15601, 7201 and 4201 prime digits.

Nr. 2
decimal digits
Let R(n) = (10^n–1)/9 be the n-digit base-10 repunit and
c = 400440004440040044000000000440040044400044004
Then N = 34*R(30912)c*10^1266*R(30912)/R(2576) – 1
or N = 37777777777777777... ...77777777777777773

The interesting bits are inside ! To see them do
pfgw –l –od –q"34*R(30912)–c*10^1266*R(30912)/R(2576)–1"
and look in pfgw.out
by David Broadhurst (email) [ August 5, 2003 ]
From the Number Theory List :
30913-digit palindromic prime with prime digits
D. Broadhurst list of palprimes with prime digits
The result of the BLS test ( hd30913.out ) using the prime factors
in the helper file ( hd30913.fac ) could once be extracted from
including the KP calling routines as for 15601 digits, and above,
KP proofs are needed.
Extract complete proof for this 30913-digit record holder was from
Nrs. 3-4
decimal digits
3373773737737333337377373773734*R(24420)/R(30) – 1
3335335333333553553333335335332*R(24420)/R(30) + 1
by David Broadhurst (email) [ 2003 ]
D. Broadhurst list of palprimes with prime digits
For 15601 digits, and above, KP proofs are needed.
Nrs. 5-9
decimal digits
3737737773337373737333777377374*R(20910)/R(30) – 1
3533335335353355533535335333352*R(20910)/R(30) + 1
3353333555353335333535553333532*R(20910)/R(30) + 1
3335555355335535355335535555332*R(20910)/R(30) + 1
3333777733773337333773377773334*R(20910)/R(30) – 1
by David Broadhurst (email) [ October, 2003 ]
D. Broadhurst list of palprimes with prime digits
For 15601 digits, and above, KP proofs are needed.
Nrs. 10-18
decimal digits
3737333737777737377777373337374*R(17940)/R(30) – 1
3555333353535533355353533335552*R(17940)/R(30) + 1
3355553335353335333535333555532*R(17940)/R(30) + 1
3353553553535533355353553553532*R(17940)/R(30) + 1
3335533355553553553555533355332*R(17940)/R(30) + 1
3333777333333733373333337773334*R(17940)/R(30) – 1
3333733373737777777373733373334*R(17940)/R(30) – 1
3333533355335533355335533353332*R(17940)/R(30) + 1
3333377373333733373333737733334*R(17940)/R(30) – 1
by David Broadhurst (email) [ August, 2003 ]
D. Broadhurst list of palprimes with prime digits
For 15601 digits, and above, KP proofs are needed.
Nr. 19
decimal digits
3(7)157673 = 377777... ...777773
(34*10^15768-43)/9 = 7*(10^15769-1)/9-4*(10^15768+1)

by Greg Childers (email) [ February 28, 2006 ]
The complete proof of (34*10^15768-43)/9 with both
the Primo and CHG certificates was once posted at
This is a fine proof, combining state-of-the-art factorization
with three types of primality testing and proving
(BLS, CHG, ECPP). David Broadhurst added this prime also in
the "Caldwell-illegitimate" appendix once located at

Plateau and Depression Primes (PDP's)
Nrs. 20-26
decimal digits
3777733777333777773337773377774*R(15600)/R(30) – 1
3773373773733373733373773733774*R(15600)/R(30) – 1
3553555553353335333533555553552*R(15600)/R(30) + 1
3535335533353553553533355335352*R(15600)/R(30) + 1
3333733337337373737337333373334*R(15600)/R(30) – 1
3333553333335353535333333553332*R(15600)/R(30) + 1
3333353535553333333555353533332*R(15600)/R(30) + 1
by David Broadhurst (email) [ July 3, 2003 ]
Number Theory List - Message 5 aug 2003
D. Broadhurst list of palprimes with prime digits
For 15601 digits, and above, KP proofs are needed.
Nr. 27
decimal digits
3777333333777337337773333337774*R(12270)/R(30) – 1
by Ralph Twain [ 2003 ]
D. Broadhurst list of palprimes with prime digits
Nr. 28
decimal digits
37773733733337373333733737774*R(8204)/R(28) – 1
by Ralph Twain [ 2003 ]
D. Broadhurst list of palprimes with prime digits
Nr. 28-128
decimal digits
A hundred-pack !!
3777777333377737737377377733337777774 *
R(7200)/R(36) – 1

3333333377733737773777373377733333334 *
R(7200)/R(36) – 1

by David Broadhurst (email) [ September, 2003 ]
Complete list D. Broadhurst list of palprimes with prime digits
Nr. 129
decimal digits
(30*R(17)+2)*R(7140)/R(17) + 1
by David Broadhurst (email) [ 2003 ]
D. Broadhurst list of palprimes with prime digits
Nr. 130
decimal digits
3(23)3479 = (32*10^6959-23)/99
by Hans Rosenthal (email) [ July 7, 2003 ]
Primo Top-20 (gold)
Prime Curios 32323...32323 (6959-digits)
Smoothly Undulating Palindromic Primes (SUPP's)
Nr. 131
decimal digits
7(57)3124 = (75*10^6249-57)/99
by Hans Rosenthal (email) [ August 21, 2003 ]
Primo Top-20 (silver)
Smoothly Undulating Palindromic Primes (SUPP's)
Nr. 132
decimal digits
Let R(n) = (10^n–1)/9 be the n-digit base-10 repunit and
c = 4000044040404400004
Then N = 34*R(4908)c*10^400*R(4908)/R(818) – 1

by Ralph Twain [ 2003 ]
D. Broadhurst list of palprimes with prime digits
Nr. 133
decimal digits
(30*R(15)+4)*R(4260)/R(15) – 1 or

by Phil Carmody and David Broadhurst [ June 27, 2003 ]
D. Broadhurst list of palprimes with prime digits
Nr. 134-1528
decimal digits
A 1395-pack !!
3777777777377733773333333773377737777777774 *
R(4200)/R(42) – 1

3333333333333533533553553353353333333333332 *
R(4200)/R(42) + 1

by David Broadhurst (email) [ September, 2003 ]
Complete list D. Broadhurst list of palprimes with prime digits
Nr. 1529
decimal digits
(30*R(14)+2)*R(4158)/R(14) + 1
by David Broadhurst [ 2003 ]
D. Broadhurst list of palprimes with prime digits
Nr. 1530
decimal digits
3(53)2078 = (35*10^4157-53)/99
by Hans Rosenthal (email) [ Feb 11, 2002 ]
Prime Curios 35353...35353 (4157-digits)
Smoothly Undulating Palindromic Primes (SUPP's)
Nr. 1531
decimal digits
3(23)1703 = (32*10^3407-23)/99
by Hans Rosenthal (email) [ Oct 19, 2001 ]
Prime Curios 32323...32323 (3407-digits)
Smoothly Undulating Palindromic Primes (SUPP's)
Nr. 1532
decimal digits
3(7)33793 =
(34*10^3380-43)/9 = 7*(10^3381-1)/9-4*(10^3379+1)

by Patrick De Geest (email) [ September 19, 2003 ]
Plateau and Depression Primes (PDP's)
Nr. 1533
decimal digits
3(53)1573 = (35*10^3147-53)/99
by Hans Rosenthal (email) [ Oct 19, 2001 ]
Smoothly Undulating Palindromic Primes (SUPP's)
Nr. 1534
decimal digits
3(2)30353 =
(29*10^3036+7)/9 = 2*(10^3037-1)/9+(10^3036+1)

by Patrick De Geest (email) [ August 2, 2003 ]
Prime Curios 32222...22223 (3037-digits)
Plateau and Depression Primes (PDP's)
Nr. 1535
decimal digits
3(23)1507 = (32*10^3015-23)/99
by Hans Rosenthal (email) [ Oct 19, 2001 ]
Smoothly Undulating Palindromic Primes (SUPP's)

Co-editor Terry Trotter ()
A000150 Prime Curios! Prime Puzzle
Wikipedia 150 Le nombre 150


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