
WON plate

[ July 9, 2001 ]
Ninedigital 'Kordemsky' Divisions
Complete list from Preon

Boris A. Kordemsky is the author of a very popular math puzzle book
called “The Moscow Puzzles” and poses many problems with solutions.
The topic in this WONplate originates from his Puzzle 347 (c).

Preon calculated ALL possible solutions and so this is an exhaustive list
up to quotient 9 and with 5 digits long numerators.
Note : All numerators are composite.
Prime denominators occur only if quotient is 8.

See also Michael Winckler's Puzzle No.121
Problem 121.html
Solution 121.html

Trotter Math - Digital Diversions

Quotient N/D = 2 (Total = 12)
13458 / 6729
13584 / 6792
13854 / 6927
14538 / 7269
14586 / 7293
14658 / 7329
15384 / 7692
15846 / 7923
15864 / 7932
18534 / 9267
18546 / 9273
18654 / 9327
Quotient N/D = 3 (Total = 2)
17469 / 5823
17496 / 5832
Both numerator and denominator
are divisible by 9 (noted by Preon)
Quotient N/D = 4 (Total = 4)
15768 / 3942
17568 / 4392
23184 / 5796
31824 / 7956
Quotient N/D = 5 (Total = 12)
13485 / 2697
13845 / 2769
14685 / 2937
14835 / 2967
14865 / 2973
16485 / 3297
18645 / 3729
31485 / 6297
38145 / 7629
46185 / 9237
48135 / 9627
48615 / 9723
Quotient N/D = 6 (Total = 3)
17658 / 2943
27918 / 4653
34182 / 5697
Quotient N/D = 7 (Total = 7)
16758 / 2394
18459 / 2637
31689 / 4527
36918 / 5274
37926 / 5418
41832 / 5976
53298 / 7614
Quotient N/D = 8 (Total = 46)
25496 / 3187   (D is prime)
36712 / 4589
36728 / 4591   (D is prime)
37512 / 4689
37528 / 4691   (D is prime)
38152 / 4769
41896 / 5237   (D is prime)
42968 / 5371
46312 / 5789
46328 / 5791   (D is prime)
46712 / 5839   (D is prime)
47136 / 5892
47328 / 5916
47368 / 5921
51832 / 6479
53928 / 6741
54312 / 6789
54328 / 6791   (D is prime)
54712 / 6839
56984 / 7123
58496 / 7312
58912 / 7364
59328 / 7416
59368 / 7421
63152 / 7894
63528 / 7941
65392 / 8174
65432 / 8179   (D is prime)
67152 / 8394
67352 / 8419   (D is prime)
67512 / 8439
71456 / 8932
71536 / 8942
71624 / 8953
71632 / 8954
73248 / 9156
73264 / 9158
73456 / 9182
74528 / 9316
74568 / 9321
74816 / 9352
75328 / 9416
75368 / 9421   (D is prime)
76184 / 9523
76248 / 9531
76328 / 9541
Quotient N/D = 9 (Total = 3)
57429 / 6381
58239 / 6471
75249 / 8361

For reference goals and easy searching all the nine- & pandigitals
implicitly displayed in these topics are listed here.

Topic → 134586729, 135846792, 138546927, 145387269, 145867293, 146587329, 153847692,
158467923, 158647932, 185349267, 185469273, 186549327, 174695823, 174965832, 157683942,
175684392, 231845796, 318247956, 134852697, 138452769, 146852937, 148352967, 148652973,
164853297, 186453729, 314856297, 381457629, 461859237, 481359627, 486159723, 176582943,
279184653, 341825697, 167582394, 184592637, 316894527, 369185274, 379265418, 418325976,
532987614, 254963187, 367124589, 367284591, 375124689, 375284691, 381524769, 418965237,
429685371, 463125789, 463285791, 467125839, 471365892, 473285916, 473685921, 518326479,
539286741, 543126789, 543286791, 547126839, 569847123, 584967312, 589127364, 593287416,
593687421, 631527894, 635287941, 653928174, 654328179, 671528394, 673528419, 675128439,
714568932, 715368942, 716248953, 716328954, 732489156, 732649158, 734569182, 745289316,
745689321, 748169352, 753289416, 753689421, 761849523, 762489531, 763289541, 574296381,
582396471, 752498361

A000107 Prime Curios! Prime Puzzle
Wikipedia 107 Le nombre 107


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