
WON plate

[ June 17, 2001 ]
More Palindromic Sums of Twin Prime Pairs
Hans Havermann (email)

Hans Havermann tidied up the list of Palindromic Sums Of Twin Prime Pairs.
I have now on display the whole collection up to length 9.
For the larger ones I redirect you to Hans' own webpage
Palindromic Sums of Powers of Consecutive Primes
By now he has more than a million twin-prime pairs!
Here is pair #1000000 :
2102305820730582011 + 2102305820730582013 =

A close look at the list reveals some nice undulating patterns
embedded in the twin pairs and the entire palindromes themselves !

347 + 349 = 696
34847 + 34849 = 69696
348484847 + 348484849 = 696969696

Following are similar constructions I detected.
Can you extend them all up to say five entries for each example ?

3080807 + 3080809 = 6161616

318181817 + 318181819 = 636363636

Are there more beautiful patterns hidden in these twin prime pairs
like for instance with the next nice pair ?

242 242 241 + 242 242 243 = 484 484 484

A000105 Prime Curios! Prime Puzzle
Wikipedia 105 Le nombre 105


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Patrick De Geest - Belgium - Short Bio - Some Pictures
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