*** VFYPR 1.13F F_max=100000 S_min=100000 h=0 a=0 C=0 J=0 D=0 N=(73*10^15-37)/99 N=737373737373737 Factor: 2^3 divides N - 1 Factor: 2 divides N + 1 Factor: 3 divides N + 1 Factor: 19 divides N + 1 Factor: 43 divides N - 1 Factor: 8039 divides N + 1 Factorization results: F1=0.1706 F2=0.4010 F1=344 F2=916446 Pass: gcd(3^((N-1)/2) - 1, N) = 1: R20=737373737373735 Pass: 3^(N-1) = 1 (mod N): R20=1 Fail: gcd(U{(N+1)/2}, N) not = 1: d=5 p=1 q=-1 R20=0 Fail: gcd(U{(N+1)/2}, N) not = 1: d=5 p=3 q=1 R20=0 Pass: gcd(U{(N+1)/2}, N) = 1: d=5 p=5 q=5 R20=2 Pass: U{N+1} = 0 (mod N): d=5 p=5 q=5 R20=0 Fail: gcd(U{(N+1)/3}, N) not = 1: d=5 p=5 q=5 R20=0 Pass: gcd(U{(N+1)/3}, N) = 1: d=5 p=7 q=11 R20=61488000633561 Pass: U{N+1} = 0 (mod N): d=5 p=7 q=11 R20=0 Pass: gcd(U{(N+1)/19}, N) = 1: d=5 p=7 q=11 R20=104934067444636 Pass: gcd(3^((N-1)/43) - 1, N) = 1: R20=357766776001560 Pass: gcd(U{(N+1)/8039}, N) = 1: d=5 p=7 q=11 R20=669414354279174 BLS tests passed: F1=0.1706 F2=0.4010 Main divisor test: F1=0.1706 F2=0.3808 G=0.5514 S=0.0000 T=1 G=157628712 Main divisor test passed: 1/1 *** N is prime! Time: 0 sec
*** VFYPR 1.13F F_max=100000 S_min=100000 h=0 a=0 C=0 J=0 D=0 N=(73*10^39-37)/99 N=737373737373737373737373737373737373737 Factor: 2^3 divides N - 1 Factor: 2 divides N + 1 Factor: 3^3 divides N + 1 Factor: 29129 divides N - 1 Factorization results: F1=0.1381 F2=0.0446 F1=233032 F2=54 Pass: gcd(3^((N-1)/2) - 1, N) = 1: R20=37373737373737373735 Pass: 3^(N-1) = 1 (mod N): R20=1 Fail: gcd(U{(N+1)/2}, N) not = 1: d=5 p=1 q=-1 R20=0 Fail: gcd(U{(N+1)/2}, N) not = 1: d=5 p=3 q=1 R20=0 Pass: gcd(U{(N+1)/2}, N) = 1: d=5 p=5 q=5 R20=2 Pass: U{N+1} = 0 (mod N): d=5 p=5 q=5 R20=0 Pass: gcd(U{(N+1)/3}, N) = 1: d=5 p=5 q=5 R20=99050682978128807219 Pass: gcd(3^((N-1)/29129) - 1, N) = 1: R20=70705161453447288417 BLS tests passed: F1=0.1381 F2=0.0446 APRCL test T=180 S=6021428237825 APRCL main test (1) at level 3 for p=2 APRCL L_2 condition satisfied APRCL main test (1 2) done: p=2 q=3 k=1 g=2 h=1 R20=37373737373737373736 APRCL main test (1 3) done: p=2 q=5 k=2 g=2 h=3 R20=0 APRCL main test (1 4) done: p=2 q=7 k=1 g=3 h=0 R20=1 APRCL main test (1 5) done: p=2 q=13 k=2 g=2 h=0 R20=2 APRCL main test (1 6) done: p=2 q=11 k=1 g=2 h=1 R20=37373737373737373736 APRCL main test (1 7) done: p=2 q=31 k=1 g=3 h=0 R20=1 APRCL main test (1 8) done: p=2 q=61 k=2 g=2 h=3 R20=0 APRCL main test (1 9) done: p=2 q=19 k=1 g=2 h=1 R20=37373737373737373736 APRCL main test (1 10) done: p=2 q=37 k=2 g=2 h=0 R20=2 APRCL main test (1 11) done: p=2 q=181 k=2 g=2 h=0 R20=2 APRCL tests for p=2 completed APRCL main test (2) at level 3 for p=3 APRCL L_3 condition satisfied APRCL main test (2 4) done: p=3 q=7 k=1 g=3 h=1 R20=16017316017316017317 APRCL main test (2 5) done: p=3 q=13 k=1 g=2 h=1 R20=23931623931623931624 APRCL main test (2 7) done: p=3 q=31 k=1 g=3 h=1 R20=32942326490713587487 APRCL main test (2 8) done: p=3 q=61 k=1 g=2 h=2 R20=85957940056300712038 APRCL main test (2 9) done: p=3 q=19 k=2 g=2 h=1 R20=77699179942734435930 APRCL main test (2 10) done: p=3 q=37 k=2 g=2 h=4 R20=53954131547121626636 APRCL main test (2 11) done: p=3 q=181 k=2 g=2 h=4 R20=77185129459906673925 APRCL tests for p=3 completed APRCL main test (3) at level 3 for p=5 APRCL L_5 condition satisfied APRCL main test (3 6) done: p=5 q=11 k=1 g=2 h=2 R20=24526254278320394023 APRCL main test (3 7) done: p=5 q=31 k=1 g=3 h=3 R20=25822218017847570397 APRCL main test (3 8) done: p=5 q=61 k=1 g=2 h=0 R20=72468028850721675231 APRCL main test (3 11) done: p=5 q=181 k=1 g=2 h=4 R20=81260207459041438468 APRCL tests for p=5 completed Main divisor test: F1=0.1381 F2=0.0368 G=0.5037 S=0.3288 T=180 G=37886007558154555800 Main divisor test passed: 180/180 *** N is prime! Time: 0 sec |
*** VFYPR 1.13F F_max=100000 S_min=100000 h=0 a=0 C=0 J=0 D=0 N=(73*10^567-37)/99
== ID:B265300350EA8 ============================================= PRIMO 0.1.0 - Primality Certificate Started 08.10.2001 12:57:57 AM Running time 91h 29mn 45s Candidate certified prime ================================================================= Proved prime with 'Primo' by Hans Rosenthal. The zipped file "737_1264.zip" is 632 KB. When unpacked the file "Primo-B265300350EA8-001.out" is 1457 KB and is available on demand by simple email request.
By Hans Rosenthal PFGW 1.1 test for probable primality in bases 3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61 and 251 (73*10^14337-37)/99 is 3-PRP! (53.720000 seconds) (73*10^14337-37)/99 is 5-PRP! (54.430000 seconds) (73*10^14337-37)/99 is 7-PRP! (53.550000 seconds) (73*10^14337-37)/99 is 11-PRP! (53.550000 seconds) (73*10^14337-37)/99 is 13-PRP! (53.550000 seconds) (73*10^14337-37)/99 is 17-PRP! (53.490000 seconds) (73*10^14337-37)/99 is 19-PRP! (53.500000 seconds) (73*10^14337-37)/99 is 23-PRP! (53.550000 seconds) (73*10^14337-37)/99 is 29-PRP! (53.550000 seconds) (73*10^14337-37)/99 is 31-PRP! (53.500000 seconds) (73*10^14337-37)/99 is 37-PRP! (53.560000 seconds) (73*10^14337-37)/99 is 41-PRP! (53.940000 seconds) (73*10^14337-37)/99 is 43-PRP! (53.500000 seconds) (73*10^14337-37)/99 is 47-PRP! (53.500000 seconds) (73*10^14337-37)/99 is 53-PRP! (53.500000 seconds) (73*10^14337-37)/99 is 59-PRP! (53.660000 seconds) (73*10^14337-37)/99 is 61-PRP! (53.450000 seconds) (73*10^14337-37)/99 is 251-PRP! (53.550000 seconds)