*** VFYPR 1.13F F_max=100000 S_min=100000 h=0 a=0 C=0 J=0 D=0 N=(92*10^3-29)/99 N=929 *** N is prime! Time: 0 sec
run"aprt-cle Test number N=? 9222229 Preparatory test Pass ! 9222229 is prime. 0:00:00 OK Proved prime with 'Ubasic - APRT-CLE.UB' by Patrick De Geest using a Pentium III 650 MHz chip.
run"aprt-cle Test number N=? 2*(10^13-1)\9 + 7*(10^12+1) Preparatory test Pass ! Main test for P= 2 for Q= 3 for Q= 5 for Q= 7 for Q= 13 for Q= 11 retry for Q= 31 Main test for P= 3 for Q= 7 for Q= 13 for Q= 31 Main test for P= 5 for Q= 11 for Q= 31 Pass ! 9222222222229 is prime. 0:00:00 OK Proved prime with 'Ubasic - APRT-CLE.UB' by Patrick De Geest using a Pentium III 650 MHz chip.
== ID:B2869034EA39C ============================================= PRIMO 1.2.1 - Primality Certificate ----------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate ----------------------------------------------------------------- N = 922222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222\ 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222229 Decimal size = 111 Binary size = 369 Started 01/26/2003 03:24:45 PM Running time < 1s Candidate certified prime ================================================================= Proved prime with 'Primo 1.2.1' by Patrick De Geest using a Pentium III 650 MHz chip.
[PRIMO - Primality Certificate] Version=2.2.0 beta 1 WebSite=http://www.ellipsa.net/ Format=3 ID=B297B00078EB1 Created=10/27/2003 12:09:08 AM TestCount=491 Status=Candidate certified prime [Running Times] Initialization=52.80s 1stPhase=227h 52mn 33s 2ndPhase=47h 29mn 8s Total=275h 22mn 35s [Candidate] File=C:\Primo IN & OUT files\PDP3609.in Expression=2*(10^3609-1)/9+7*(10^3608+1)
3,5,7-PRP! PFGW Version 20041020.Win_Stable (v1.2 RC1c) [FFT v23.8].
By Serge Batalov dd. January 19, 2023. https://stdkmd.net/nrr/9/92229.htm#prime