Message 6995 from Yahoo.Groups.Primeform

Return-Path: <d.broadhurst@...> X-Sender: d.broadhurst@... X-Apparently-To: Received: (qmail 10879 invoked from network); 24 Feb 2006 22:36:41 -0000 Received: from unknown ( by with QMQP; 24 Feb 2006 22:36:41 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by with SMTP; 24 Feb 2006 22:36:40 -0000 Comment: DomainKeys? See Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 24 Feb 2006 22:36:31 -0000 Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 24 Feb 2006 22:36:18 -0000 Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 24 Feb 2006 22:36:18 -0000 Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2006 22:36:16 -0000 To: Message-ID: <dto1p0+rd23@...> In-Reply-To: <dtnl0d+adf9@...> User-Agent: eGroups-EW/0.82 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-Mailer: Yahoo Groups Message Poster X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: groups-compose X-Originating-IP: X-eGroups-Msg-Info: 1:12:0:0 X-Yahoo-Post-IP: From: "David Broadhurst" <d.broadhurst@...> Subject: Re: Primality proof of (34*10^15768-43)/9 - need help! X-Yahoo-Group-Post: member; u=35890005; y=fkCguHVCo8xy7l7b1pHkWUJh-coNUOpsqVjS0m9p3ISJdiNr9hBv X-Yahoo-Profile: djbroadhurst
--- In, "gchil0" <jgchilders@...> wrote: > Since F=1 in this case, the search for > factors congruent to n is unnecessary, That's not /strictly/ correct. In principle your target could have had a factor congruent to n modulo G and it would have been found. I think that it is better to say that, with F=1, the same polynomials which are used to test for factors congruent to 1 modulo G are also used to test for factors congruent to n modulo G, since n = -1 mod G and the CHG method checks for either sign of x in a possible factor x*G+1. Hence the absence of factors at negative x certifies the absence of factors congruent to n modulo G. I have no idea why John's programme did not stop when you expected it to stop, since I have never run his code. I can confirm that my validation programme proves the absence of factors in /both/ residue classes, whenever G>1, as here. David
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