Message 10558 from Yahoo.Groups.Primeform
Return-Path: <thefatphil@...> X-Sender: thefatphil@... X-Apparently-To: X-Received: (qmail 90961 invoked from network); 27 Sep 2010 13:45:31 -0000 X-Received: from unknown ( by with QMQP; 27 Sep 2010 13:45:31 -0000 X-Received: from unknown (HELO ( by with SMTP; 27 Sep 2010 13:45:30 -0000 X-Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 27 Sep 2010 13:44:58 -0000 X-Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 27 Sep 2010 13:45:30 -0000 X-Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 27 Sep 2010 13:45:30 -0000 X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: ymail-3 X-Yahoo-Newman-Id: X-Received: (qmail 2355 invoked by uid 60001); 27 Sep 2010 13:45:30 -0000 Message-ID: <920382.262.qm@...> X-YMail-OSG: L6GgXcoVM1kyggaTlhSpkmXJXqOE0.TcqWsGMzCgOVGsmnh jXDG3rNHnboeJhNIUoh1DiGidIv3zDo1KuAs.Z7cw4OnjwKQTrhv.Zg9Me0g l0nidjzBkmmWYVduXfqA8h4AXyv5r02eZ339J8UrDn5R9kiUieW7oOL9QZos OQLnApv916ehpyWa_OsRN9f5k3fVXbn9yJg5crGmZP6QtA1XuhoSra7z8RtH j9pRUCtWORcrpFd18U7yrE3GYfjZKXwfV2iKYKCeo_saaPV5SiRagIQVqdjZ J X-Received: from [] by via HTTP; Mon, 27 Sep 2010 13:45:29 GMT X-Mailer: YahooMailClassic/11.4.9 YahooMailWebService/ Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2010 13:45:29 +0000 (GMT) To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii X-Originating-IP: X-eGroups-Msg-Info: 1:12:0:0:0 From: Phil Carmody <thefatphil@...> Subject: Palindromic song-and-dance X-Yahoo-Group-Post: member; u=93528636; y=2DRhrjEo4W2U-4-6IVLlrcKPZZa0pmJZyFlfRnwUrgpG2E6rNg X-Yahoo-Profile: thefatphilAs always, brains first - CPUs later, and explain your work, please. Consider palindromic numbers which consist of the concatenation of the sequence of *palindromic* numbers from 1 up to a middle term, and then back down to 1 again? Let us call such numbers "Palindache numbers". (E.g. middle term 3 gives 12321, middle term 22 gives 123456789112211987654321) Real question: Approximately how many Palindache primes would you expect to find with an exhaustive search up to middle term = 10^n-1 for increasing n? Bool question: Based on the above, are there likely to be any Palindache primes? In particular that can be found with realistic human effort. (Real follow-up: give a probability to back up your yes/no answer.) Integral question: If so, righty-ho - loob up those CPUs and find some! If not, phew - do something constructive with your time instead. Imaginary question: Find the hidden clues in these questions. Phil -- () ASCII ribbon campaign () Hopeless ribbon campaign /\ against HTML mail /\ against gratuitous bloodshed [stolen with permission from Daniel B. Cristofani]Message 10561 Message 10562 Message 10585